Monday, June 1, 2020

The Ransom of Red Chief Writing Prompt - Arguing About Politics In Essays

The Ransom of Red Chief Writing Prompt - Arguing About Politics In EssaysIt's pretty simple to summarize the ransom of Red Chief writing prompt: When a red shirt and a green shirt fight, the loser is Red Chief. Is this a Shakespearean theme or a theme ripped from a college lit class? Well, either way, I have nothing but respect for the author and students in colleges across the country who find it interesting enough to write essays about.It is ironic, but now, thanks to a little-known senator, that American politics have become a competition in which politicians try to outdo each other by attacking each other with the names of famous people. And perhaps more importantly, by putting in outrageous one-liners about their opponents. But let's get back to the point of this post.So now, as we see American political bickering for the ransom of Red Chief, we can understand why so many politicians go on their endlessly-popular campaigns. And this is especially true when they need money. Since so many of them are running for office because they can't find jobs, now they are competing with each other to be the most politically-interesting of all those who are running.And since I'm not a politician, it's much easier for me to say, 'Why not write an essay about the ransom of Red Chief?' And if you are a student who thinks you might want to do this someday, you will need to find a red shirt for a potential employer to hire. If you are not, then you should take note that those I've mentioned in this post will get you a job.I don't mean to imply that most political candidates know the ransom of Red Chief is something they are playing up. They don't. But many of them see it as a way to take the attention off of themselves and onto someone else. And it has been the goal of certain politicians and some media personalities to put the spotlight back on themselves.That's why it's very interesting idea to write something about politics as a form of writing an essay. And it will be in teresting to see how they try to play with it.But if you are going to write an essay on the ransom of Red Chief, it would be much better if you could try to think of a way to make it relevant to the average reader who is not a politician. This means not making it a satirical piece that is meant to ridicule someone else. It will still probably have a few good lines about politics, and you might be able to figure out some of its points, but it is sure to have a lot less meaning to a person who isn't involved in politics.

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